Saturday, May 3, 2014

Opinion: Being mature

I just don’t understand why some people can be very blunt and stupid and not even understand the situation.
But called themselves as a mature one, I remember the quotes that says “Maturity doesn’t define by age” it’s really right and does make sense. I do encounter with lots of people who act like this, (is not like I define my own self as the mature one too, but at least yeah I try to be the one instead of keep bragging that I’m a mature person)

Make Up: BB Cream review

Hello, I think it’s been a long time since the last time I update something in this blog.
Today I will do a little bit review about my newest BB cream that I use recently.

Well, I’m not some short of beauty blogger or makeup artist or whatever you called it. Especially my makeup kit are not that expensive, I mean, I only use the average one because I don’t really putting on heavy makeup every day or full makeup, since I’m working as hotel staff. That would be so silly if I’m putting full makeup with my thick eyeliner or red lips in my uniform.
So yeah, my every day makeup usually consist of thin layer of bb cream some powder , lip tint and eyebrow pencil, voila~ that’s all. Unfortunately it will be completely gone by my sweat around 12pm and I don’t even bother to retouch my makeup back. Hahahaha