OK! so back to the main topic, I got a really busy schedules for these few months including the facts that it's almost the last year of my college study, but then even that I'm very busy myself the needs to get some pleasure and enjoyment during weekend obviously huge.
so, meeting up with friends and have a little teatime and chitchat during weekend it's a must - to - do list, nonetheless this beautiful Sunday night. Me and Fira decided to give a try for Goela Cafe Bakery on Hayam Wuruk street Denpasar after we done with our group study today.
We've been passing this Bakery for few times, but never really give it a try and finally tadaaaaa we did it today, it's too bad that I don't really snap many pictures here, meh - but seriously this place is a cozy, well compared with some of small cafe bakery near this place as well, and it's not crowded. I mean there's not many people coming here and it just double up the coziness of this place (literally it's only two of us here, but i swear it's probably because we coming here on late evening and plus it's raining) like, seriously who want to get off from their bed and leaving their nice and comfy blanket cocoon in a day like this.
We've already finished our dinner before coming here so we decided to just get a coffee latte (for Fira) , a pot of hot lemon tea and Crème brûlée for me, omg i'm totally excited by the prospect of Crème brûlée, i mean I'm really craving for this dessert for so long.
The service is good, the waiter is really quick and fast response which is really good, and he's kind of cute as well /cough/, the toilet is small and clean but smell so dull (they should at least put some air purifier on it) we need to wait for 10 minutes before our order arrived and we've spent those time with selfie - time (lol, as expected from a selfie whore like me)
The other thing that we really love from this place is the decoration, clean - cut and beautiful, retro vibe, well we've seen this kind of atmosphere in any other cafe bakery before, but surely this one is our type. hehe
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We didn't really order much things today, so judging them by the amount of our orders is a bit unfair, hm - but I really have things to say about our orders, luckily Fira love her coffee latte which mean the coffee must be taste good for real (I totally put my faith on her, when it comes to coffee taste - cz I seriously have no idea how a good coffee supposed to taste hehe) , the hot lemon tea taste like any other lemon tea, i think they really use a tea + lemon, real lemon. not the artificial lemon tea flavor. I don't even need to put sugar on it ( because i'm sweet already, gah - keedz)
We do tried to have a taste on it, and as you can see how not good it is from my face, it's dry and have no life, they seriously need to make it fresher than this, and the muffin?
it's almost 11:12 with the creme brulee, and correction it's not even cheese muffin it's a margarine muffin with dried bland cheddar sprinkles on it.
nonetheless, we really love the place. Surely will come here again next time :)
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