Sunday, September 7, 2014

Make Up: So, what is Kangen Beauty Spray

I’ve always wonder why’d we need another face spray when we can wash our face with face foam and put on face cream if the purpose of the face spray itself is for moisturizing our face, and make it brighter yet the price of one bottle face spray is not really cheap as we knew even the cheapest ones like Etude or Oriflame sells their face spray with not-really-cheap-price-for-a-cheapskate-like-me hahahaha. Well, there is another option of local traditional face spray which is not really pricey, but consider I don’t really know what the ingredients that contain inside the bottle so I decided to just not use any.

Well, thanks to Prilly Latuconsina instagram post, I suddenly feel so curious about this Beauty Kangen Spray (honestly speaking, I did feel like a commercial victim since I really bought this product because Prilly using it and hoping I can have nice skin like Prilly has) without really know what the benefit of this product, I just recklessly bought this product by clicking on the online shop that she tagged to her post. I did read a review of these products for a little while without really think what is these products actually are.

So, I bought two types of these awesome products the small bottle is the strong acid and the other one is the beauty water, to use it you just need to spray the strong acid first then continue it with the beauty spray before you start your make up routine putting on your face cream and etc. recently even though I’ve only use them for couples days I did feel the change on my face, like my face become more moisturize even I need to wear makeup for one full day  and I’ve not grow any pimples these days before my period like I always did, big thanks to these sprays.

So, what is Beauty Kangen Spray? I wonder….

Kangen Water is the official name of water created by Enagic’s innovative water ionization technology. The Kangen Water filtration system removes many harmful chemicals from tap water, and produces a more healthy water through the process of electrolysis. Easily say it’s an alkaline ionized water system. So this technology basically change the clean tap water into different types of water which we can use it for various different purposes including beauty treatment like the beauty spray that I use.

This technology become a really hot topic these days among healthy lifestyle, for some reason we’ve already knew that the tap water is a healthier option than soft drinks. But according to the Environmental Working Group, there have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount. At the current levels of contamination, the public is starting to question the quality of tap water and wonders if it is safe enough to drink. 

Based on these facts, it's no wonder that the demand for Kangen Water is constantly increasing. If it’s in America well you can imagine too, how maybe pollutants can pollute another tap water source in another country especially in developing country like Indonesia, which clean tap water is somehow hard to get in big crowded city – no offense.

This technology obviously different with reverse osmosis water system when you can change ugly water to clean water for drinking, yet we not really sure if this product can really decease chemicals contamination inside the water. But this technology works by changing the ph of the clean tap water itself so you can use it from various purposes from cooking, drinking, beauty water, or evening cleaning home.

Kangen Water machines work by applying an electrical charge to your tap water, and then sending that charged water through an ion exchange membrane. This will mix positive and negative ions within the water, which can help break molecular bonds on dirt, which is why it is ideal for cleaning and personal hygiene.

The Kangen Water will break the molecular bonds on dirt and oil on your face, keeping it clean, smooth, and moist. Rather than using harsh astringents that dry out your skin, or leaving a soapy film on your skin because your water can’t clean it all off, Kangen Water can help clean your face better than regular tap water.

It can also help you clean your home by loosening the molecular bonds between dirt and the surfaces you’re washing, attracting it like a magnet. This way, Kangen Water can actually lift grime and dirt off surfaces, which makes it easy to wipe away. No need for dangerous, toxic cleaners, no need for abrasive sponges and frantic scrubbing.

Kangen Water is also better for personal health. While drinking tap water is better than buying soft drinks, it’s still not the safest it could be. Recent investigations revealed that tap water in 42 states has been found to be contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals. Local governments do their best to make the water safe, but the water ends up tasting chlorinated and unpleasant to drink. Even well water isn’t always safe, especially homes that are close to farms and animal production facilities with chemical and animal waste runoff.

A Kangen Water system, with appropriate filters, can clean up contaminated and polluted water, removing the chemicals, bacteria, and other unpleasant little nasties that can cause ill health.

Even bottled water isn’t always a viable solution. It costs more, creates further environmental damage through creating and disposing of the bottles, and believe it or not, is not always free of contaminants. Studies have shown that one-third of bottled water contains levels of contamination that exceed allowable limits.
The  name of kangen water itself are coming from Japanese origin which mean “to restore” when I first buy these products I thought Kangen as in Indonesia “missing you” hahahaha no wonder I find it really weird at first.

The technology itself cost too pricey for me to buy, hahaha obviously I will buy one if I have enough money but yeah since I don’t might as well now I’ve just buying this product from online shop, the cost of one packet of these lovely products are not too pricey, is up only until 150K or so you can easily find it on Instagram online shop or any other online shop since I can’t really found one here (feel free to drop comments down here if you know ones) they sell it in different packaging just make sure they have certificate that they really use the technology. It will so not fun if they just fill it with normal tap water and selling it as it was a Kangen water, but whoever once have tried Kangen water before must realized how is the difference between Kangen water and normal tap water one. My friend said they also sell Kangen water for drinking here I need to try it soon hahahaha.

Yet everyone have their different opinion, some says this technology are useless, which this technology are not that great and not giving an obvious and significant effects to heal disease or treating illness, but everything need a process isn’t it? It’s for you to decide

For details information about Kangen water you can visit Kangen Water Indonesia J
To buy these lovely Kangen Beauty Spray, highly recommend to check on Chynda Shop online, please visit her on instagram (id: chynda_shop) kind response, fast and reasonable price 


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