Saturday, July 12, 2014

Make Up: NIVEA Lip Balm Series

Hello, how many days since the last time I've promised that I will do some updates on my blog? Hahaha sorry can't keep it up on my promise :( (busy schedules, and blah blah blah) so anyway I've decided to write 6 updates at the time but I'm sure it will be too much in one go isn't it?

So for starter for this July, let's do a little bit make up review again :) this time - lip balm !
Lips is an important part of human face /? so that's why putting on a lip balm to keep your lips moisturized and prevent them from dryness is necessary. Because the skin on the lips is like none other on your body. It has no sebaceous glands, which means that it cannot make its own oils to keep it moisturized. It also has no melanin, which gives it no natural protection from the sun. The skin on the lips is also much finer than the skin that covers the rest of the body, which is why it can become chapped and peels so easily.

To be honest, I'm not really giving such as big fuss for my lips care treatments (correction: not only lips but all other parts of my body) . a simple thin layer of lip gloss and it's done tadaaa~~~ until I realized that my lips is on tragic (?) critical (?) condition -

They keep cracking and darkening by the time (I'm not even smoking for God sake), so then at first I don't really give a big fuss on it but it's getting pretty annoying by the time since it's difficult for me to applying lipstick on my chapped lips.

googling ~ googling~ googling ~ and i found out that it happen since I didn't drink enough water, and I often doing activities outdoor.

psst~ I thought applying lip gloss on your lips is enough to moisturize your lips yet since most of the lip gloss products contain some oil ingredients to make your lips look shinier, I don't really putting on it regularly on my lips. It's bothersome-

So using lip balm is an effective factor in overall lip health and should be taken seriously as my other way to prevent unnecessary sores or infections on my chapped lips with notes that it shouldn't make my lips too shiny and oily

Fortunately Nivea lip balm series answer my hopeless problem, their lip balm series is something that I've been waiting since my existence in this world (woah, okay that's too much) so let's get start from my first favorite Nivea's lip balm products

I've bought this product for quite some times ago so I basically already thrown the package to bin, and unfortunately the back cover of this product tube doesn't give us the ingredients of this product. I've just simply like the package because it's pink and adorable easy to carry anywhere and so easy to apply, for the record I've been using this product frequently whenever I'm going out or get ready to go to campus instead of putting on lip gloss or lip stick on, and you can easily purchase this product on convenience store or supermarket (make up section) with estimated price only for Rp.38.000 or so

- It have a very nice color of pale pink, which is the same as natural lip color
- It come out with SPF 15 sun protection on it, so basically you can use this on day light make up and protect your lips too

- When you applied it too much it will bleeds and melting which is not nice
- Somehow it have an oily feeling texture

First thought on this product is ... I thought it's an inhaler hahaha well it's looks like one anyway, it come with white creamy color texture with twist-up stick packaging, it's giving classy vibe of lip balm.This lip balm work wonderful since it's really help you moisturizing your lips perfectly anytime and uncolored also it doesn't have strong scent like how other lip balm usually. The estimated price for this product is up to Rp.35.000 or so

- It's very nice because it have mild Nivea (?) scent
- Works like magic for dry chapped lips and very moisturizing

- I do think the main ingredient of this lip balm is petroleum jelly, so no wonder it has greasy oily feeling when you apply it too much
- and you need to apply it frequently since it easily fading when you eat or sips liquid

The must-use-this item whenever I'm working and ready to jump on the pool on sunny days it's works the same as sunscreen which is made it specifically for lips protection, it have SPF 30 and really taking good care of my lips from the heat, the texture is quite thick which is I'm afraid i will ended up like putting on candle paste, but it's not since it's glides smoothly on my lips

- It has no prominent color, fragrant, and flavor which is nice
- You can even use this as a lip concealer before you putting on your favorite lip stick

- it leave whitish cast if you putting it too much on your over chapped lips
- it's non-tinted lip balm

Partially I'm not really into this lip balm because it has shiny texture and kinda oily which is I dislike the most, but the color of this tinted lip balm is really nice, reddish with semi-orange color and looks cute on my lips (bleh :p) I've use this for some times with thin layer

- It’s very moisturizing for your lips
- Strawberry fragrant that bursting out right away when you applying this on your lip , which is so refreshing

-          Too oily
-          Too oily :p (Feels like I just ate pisang goreng)

Anyway guys, I'v promised you for lucky winner stuff. I would like to give 3 of lucky readers one of the Nivea lip balm series if you comments on this article :p hahahaha you can simply comments on twitter or facebook or even on Instagram account (don't forget to tag me as well :p) I will choose 3 of lucky readers by 20 July :) 

 Thankyou :) 

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